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The customer notes variable

Learn more about the advanced communications customer notes variable.

Krissa avatar
Written by Krissa
Updated over 2 years ago


Variable name

How to type the variable

What the variable does

Customer notes


Inputs any notes that the customer made during the booking flow.

What is the customer notes variable?

When customers book online via your booking tools, you can give them the option to add a note:

You can turn this on by going to Booking tools > Customize your booking flow:

This can be helpful if you would like to communicate these notes to the resources how are facilitating the bookings.

How will this display within our communications?

For example you could create a reminder that sends to your resources 24 hours before a booking that gives them all the information they require to carryout the booking effectively:


<p>Hi {{resource_name}},</p>

<p>I hope you're having a nice day! Here is a reminder for a booking that you have in 24 hours:<br>
{{customer_fullname}} | {{customer_email}} | {{customer_mobile}} | {{service_name}} | {{booking_start_time| date: "dd LLLL y | t"}}</p>

<p>Here are the notes that the customer left at the time of booking online:</p>


<p>If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with your manager.</p>

<p>Best wishes,<br>
Management team</p>

When a customer books a service or event, the resource will then automatically receive a booking reminder email at the specified time before the booking start time. This is constructed using the template we have saved above. This will then display as so:

We would love to hear any feedback πŸ‘‚

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