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The service category variable

Learn more about the advanced communications service category variable.

Krissa avatar
Written by Krissa
Updated over 2 years ago


Variable name

How to type the variable

What the variable does

Service category name


Inputs the category name that the service belongs to.

What is the service category variable?

You can categorise your services within Appointedd and this will reflect on your booking widgets. Learn more about creating categories here.

This can be helpful if you have many service categories and want to communicate the category that the service is part of.

How will this display within our communications?

For example you could create a reminder that sends to your resources 24 hours before a booking that gives them all the information they require to carryout the booking effectively:


<p>Hi {{resource_name}},</p>

<p>I hope you're having a nice day! Here is a reminder for a booking that you have in 24 hours:<br>
{{customer_fullname}} | {{customer_email}} | {{customer_mobile}} | {{service_category_name}} | {{service_name}} | {{booking_start_time| date: "dd LLLL y | t"}}</p>

<p>If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with your manager.</p>

<p>Best wishes,<br>
Management team</p>

The services have been set up as so:

If I booked a beauty consultation it would then display as so:

We would love to hear any feedback πŸ‘‚

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