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The video conferencing link variable

Learn more about the advanced communications video conferencing link variable

Krissa avatar
Written by Krissa
Updated over 2 years ago


Variable name

How to type the variable

What the variable does

Video conferencing link


Inputs the unique link generated for the customer to join their video meeting.

What is the video conferencing link and where is it set up?

When a booking is created for a service that has a video conferencing integration such as Zoom or MS Teams enabled on it, a video conferencing link is automatically generated. If you click on the booking you will notice on the details page that there is a field called Join Meeting:

This field automatically populates with the meeting link that has been set up on the booking. If no video link has been generated, the field will not be visible.

How will this display within our communications?

Here is an example of an english email template set up with the booking location variable:


<p>Hi {{customer_firstname}},</p>
<p>Thank you for booking:</p>
<p>{{service_name}} | {{booking_start_time | date: "DDD, t"}} {{booking_timezone_abbreviation}} </p>

<p> The email address you signed up with is {{customer_email}} </p>

{% if video_conference_link %}<p>At the time of your booking, {{video_conference_link | link:"click here to join the ", video_conference_type_name}}</p>
{% endif %}

{% if booking_cancellation_url_enabled %}
<p>If you wish to cancel this booking, please {{ booking_cancellation_url | link:"click here." }}</p>
{% endif %}

<p>All timezones referenced in this email are in the {{customer_booking_timezone_full}} timezone.</p>

Lothian Activity Centre</p>

When a customer books, they will then automatically receive a booking confirmation email which will be constructed using the template we have saved above. This will then display as so:

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