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Resource scheduling: Available vs unavailable
Resource scheduling: Available vs unavailable

Learn what the difference is between available and unavailable resource schedules.

Jubrine Fortuno avatar
Written by Jubrine Fortuno
Updated over a week ago

Difference between available and unavailable

Via the new working hours interface, you can set available ✔️ and unavailable ❌ times for a certain period at the same place. When you create a new schedule for your resource, you can decide to create an available ✔️ or an unavailable ❌ interval.

For instance, for any breaks or days off that your resource might take that you'd like to preset, you'll need to set an unavailable ❌ interval.

While for any occasions when you'd like the resource to be bookable, you'll need to set an available ✔️ interval.

Please note: If you add an available ✔️ schedule on top of an unavailable schedule, the unavailable schedule will supersede.

If you delete the unavailable ❌ schedule, the available ✔️ schedule will come into place 🎉

👇 We recommend watching our video on this below 👇

The available working hours are displayed in orange blocks while the unavailable working hours (blocks, breaks etc) are displayed in the grey blocks.

👇 Go back to the resource scheduling overview 👇

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