How to use promo codes

Find out how to use promo codes within Appointedd

Jubrine Fortuno avatar
Written by Jubrine Fortuno
Updated over a week ago

Following popular demand, we are delighted to announce that Promo codes are now live. Appointedd users will now be able to create, manage, and use promo codes within their system.

Once set up in Appointedd and distributed to your customers, these codes can be applied during the booking flow to lower the price of your service(s).

This highly requested feature will allow you to:

  • run promotions to reach more customers and increase your revenue such as introductory offers or referral incentives

  • offer multiple price points but for the same service (eg. corporate and direct customer pricing)

  • encourage re-booking and customer loyalty

  • run early bird promotions to fill up your calendar quicker

  • help your customer care team to delight customers by offering special promos

πŸ’Έ How to use promo codes

Using promo codes is easy for your customers and end users. When you have created and activated discount codes they will be applied to your booking flows of services through the booking page and widgets.

Here is how a discount code flow will look for your customers:

Please Note: if the promo code is not working, the code may be, incorrect, expired or reached it's usage limit.

If you would like to start creating your own promo codes for your business please follow our guide here to get started.

Still have unanswered questions ? Check out our FAQ in case they are answered there.

If you have any feedback we would love to hear it πŸ‘‚

Keywords: promocode, promo-code, discount code, promo, voucher, discount

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