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The business payment request URL variable

Learn more about the advanced communications business payment request URL variable.

Krissa avatar
Written by Krissa
Updated over a year ago


Variable name

How to type the variable

What the variable does

Business payment request URL


Inputs a link that allows customers to pay for their booking when they click on it.

What is the business payment request URL?

If you have integrated your Appointedd account with one of our payment gateway providers (Stripe, Square and Braintree), you can send your customers a payment link requesting that they pay for their booking.

You can either send a manual payment request when you are making a booking for a customer, or add a payment link in their booking confirmation email.

How to send manual payment requests

Once a booking has been created, you can click on the three dots next to the customer's name and send them a payment request email.

The price must be a value greater than 0, and you must have connected to a payment gateway.

You can click on the price and amend the price if you wish, before sending the payment request. Remember that your customer made the booking online with the assumption that it was the price at the time of booking.

What will my payment email look like?

When you send a manual payment request, your email will look something like this:

The email will include your business name, but this email cannot be changed.

Therefore, we recommend including a payment in your confirmation email instead. It's easy for customers, and you don't have to manually send payment requests!

What will the payment link look like in my booking confirmation emails?

Use our advanced confirmation emails instead to customize your message.

Here is an example of an english email template set up with the payment request URL variable:


<p>Hi {{customer_firstname}},</p>

<p>Thank you for booking:<br>
{{service_name}} | {{booking_start_time| date: "dd LLLL y | t"}}</p>

<p>Please pay for your booking prior to arriving. You can do so by clicking <a href = "{{booking_payment_request_url}}"> here</a>.</p>

<p>We look forward to seeing you soon!</p>

<p>Lothian Activities</p>

When a customer books, they will then automatically receive a booking confirmation email which will be constructed using the template we have saved above. This will then display as so:

The variables in the template will auto-populate for you.

If you would prefer the payment link to only be included in the email when you specifically request payment manually, then we'd recommend using the variable with an IF statement:

<p>Hi {{customer_firstname}},</p>

<p>Thank you for booking:<br>
{{service_name}} | {{booking_start_time| date: "dd LLLL y | t"}}</p>

{% if booking_payment_request_url %}
<p>{{ booking_payment_request_url | link:"Please pay for your booking prior to arriving."}}.</p>
{% endif %}

<p>We look forward to seeing you soon!</p>

<p>Lothian Activities</p>

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