β How to cancel my subscription
If you don't want to continue with Appointedd, head to your billing page under the top-right profile icon and select 'Billing'.
Once you are in your billing page, click on the link 'cancel your subscription':
You will be guided through a couple of questions - your feedback is really valuable to us.
Then select 'yes' or 'no' as your final step. If you select yes, your account will be cancelled. You will still have access to your account up until the next billing date when it will close.
We hope you decide to stay with us! However, should you continue to cancel and wish to give us any additional feedback, please get in touch with us via the chat messenger or hit the submit feedback button below.
Please note: we no longer support pausing of accounts.
If you have any feedback we would love to hear it π
Keywords: Cancel subscription, delete account, close account