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New to Appointedd

Everything you need to know if you are new to using Appointedd

Industry specific guides

Everything you need to know about how to set up Appointedd for your use case

Setup (Services, Resources and Assets)

Everything you need to know about the features and functionality under the "Setup" tab in Appointedd.

Business Setup
Booking flow
Booking tools (booking pages and booking widgets)

Everything you need to know about taking bookings online under the "Booking tools" tab in Appointedd.

Booking management

Everything you need to know about managing your calendar and bookings online under the "Bookings" tab in Appointedd.

Email & SMS Communications

Everything you need to know about sending communications under the "Email & SMS" tab in Appointedd.

Connect tab and Integrations

Everything you need to know about the integrations under the "Connect" tab in Appointedd.

Customers and CRM

Everything you need to know about managing your customers online under the "Customers" tab in Appointedd.

Mobile app

Everything you need to know about using companion Appointedd's mobile application.

Your Appointedd account

Everything you need to know about managing your account under the profile icon in Appointedd.

FAQs and Troubleshooting guides

Follow these step-by-step guides to troubleshoot your problems and get to the bottom of any mysteries

Features coming soon

Everything you need to know about the features we are building right now

Data and security

Everything you need to know about how Appointedd keeps your data secure


Learn about different types of reports available within your Appointedd account