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How to create an offer on a service

Create an offer on a service to display to your customers that you're offering a different price.

Jubrine Fortuno avatar
Written by Jubrine Fortuno
Updated over a week ago

Steps to create an offer

To create an offer on an existing service, i.e. lower the price for a limited time, go to your Appointedd calendar screen:

  • Hover over the Setup tab and click on Manage services

  • Click the pencil icon next to the service you want to be discounted

  • Under Type of service > Duration and price, click the three dots next to the appropriate duration

  • Adjust duration if needed

  • Select the appropriate Price Type and enter the new price in the Original and Discounted price boxes

  • Click Apply

  • Click Save service

The new price will now appear on your Booking Page and booking widget. The original price will be struck out beside the new price so that customers can see the saving.

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