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What is Cronofy?
Jubrine Fortuno avatar
Written by Jubrine Fortuno
Updated over a week ago

Appointedd integrates with Cronofy, which provides a real-time and secure two-way calendar-sync to allow you to connect your Gmail, Outlook, iCloud, Exchange or 365 calendar to Appointedd.

If you have previously linked a calendar to Appointedd and later unlinked it, it is possible for you to receive a message along the lines of:

"Appointedd is using Cronofy to connect to your Google calendar.

We need you to relink your Google account for so that Appointedd can continue to access your calendar.

This can happen for all sorts for reasons. Often, for example, providers will expire links to services when you change your password."

This is not a phishing email - just a reminder that this particular account is currently not linked with Appointedd. Feel free to either disregard that email, or re-connect the account in question if you wish.

If you have any feedback we would love to hear it πŸ‘‚

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