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How to connect to Epos Now

Appointedd has a native integration with Epos Now, so follow this guide to learn how to connect your accounts.

Madeline avatar
Written by Madeline
Updated over 7 months ago

🧐 How the integration works

Epos Now is the leading cloud-based point of sale system in the UK. Integrating your Appointedd and Epos Now accounts allows you to run your business all from your till. Read more on our website here.

When you integrate your Appointedd and Epos Now accounts, you can create transactions in the till straight from bookings in Appointedd and customer details are shared between the two systems.

Top tips ⭐️

  1. Accounts should be integrated before active use of Appointedd begins.

  2. Before connecting your Appointedd and Epos Now accounts, you should ensure that customers are only in one account - not both. Having the same customers in both accounts would result in a duplication of customers.

βš™οΈ How to integrate your accounts

Follow along with our video or read through our four steps.

Watch our video below

Or follow our four steps below

Step 1: Subscribe

To integrate an Appointedd account to Epos Now you need to subscribe to the exclusive partner plan. Check if you are subscribed to this plan by hovering over the top-right icon and selecting Billing.

If your pricing comes in at Β£17 / $21 / $31 AUD / €19 per month, per resource, you are not on our partner plan. Please pop us a message through the messenger and we'll get that sorted for you.

In your billing page you will be able to select the number of bundles needed:

  • 1 resource = 1 bookable calendar

  • 1 user = a user who has their own login

Select Subscribe on either a monthly or annual billing frequency and add your card details:

Step 2: Connect Epos Now to Appointedd

When you subscribe to our Epos Now partner plan, you will be guided on next steps via pop-up messages. It will ask you to go to your Epos Now back office so click this link here for ease.

It will redirect you to your Epos Now account. Login and copy the GUID code at the bottom of the first screen you see.

Return to Appointedd and under Connect, click on Connect with Epos Now.

Paste the GUID code and hit save.

Step 3: Download the Appointedd app onto your Epos Now till

Appointedd will pop up another chat message for you, which asks you to go to the app store. Click the button provided, or this link here and download the Appointedd app.

Click Get Free App. It will load and ask you to tick the relevant location and click Get Free App again. It should say Success when it's complete!

Step 4 (optional): Select your VAT rate

Return back to your Appointedd screen. If you're not still there, go to Connect and click Connect with Epos Now again, and select your VAT rate. This is an optional step.

Your integration is now complete! πŸŽ‰

Head back to your Epos Now account. On the left-hand side panel, you should see your option to click into your Till.

Click into your Till, you may need to login, and under the three line on the top left-hand side, you should see your Appointedd booking calendar listed under "Apps".

You can click here, login to Appointedd, and manage your client appointments 😊

If you have any feedback we would love to hear it πŸ‘‚

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