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How to edit, reschedule or cancel bookings

Learn more about the ways in which you can edit, reschedule or cancel a booking from your Appointedd calendar.

Krissa avatar
Written by Krissa
Updated over 8 months ago

πŸ–ŒοΈ How to edit a booking

You can edit the date, time, resource, service, label, price and participants of a booking by clicking on the booking and clicking edit booking.

You can also use drag-and-drop to modify a booking:

  • To reschedule a booking, click on the booking and drag-and-drop to the desired time. Please note that to drag a booking to a different day, you'll need to be viewing your calendar in weekly format.

  • To change the duration of a booking, click and hold the double line at the bottom of the booking and drag.

  • To move the booking to another resource, click on the booking and drag-and-drop to the desired resource. Please note that to drag a booking to a different resource, you'll need to be viewing the calendar in daily format.

❌ How to cancel a booking

To cancel a booking, hover over the booking and click on the top-right cross. You can also click directly onto the booking and hit the red cancel button.

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