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How to send advanced confirmations for bookings
How to send advanced confirmations for bookings

Use dynamic variables to send confirmations in multiple languages and that are completely bespoke and tailored to your customers and brand.

Krissa avatar
Written by Krissa
Updated over 8 months ago

🌍 Overview

Advanced communications opens up a whole world of customization and support for multiple languages. If you are interested in sending your customers emails and SMS in their preferred language, or you would like to include specific information and have complete flexibility over your communications, then advanced confirmations has all the tricks. πŸ€Ήβ€β™€οΈ

πŸ“š What's possible?

The real question is... what isn't possible! If you are currently using our standard confirmations you will have noticed that there is locked content that you can't edit as this is where we pull through the service name, customer name, start time etc.

With advanced confirmations you can decide what variables you want to show in the text and where. You can also set up multiple confirmation templates so that you are sending the customer their confirmations in their preferred language.

Appointedd allows you to fully customize the way your emails look - check our some of the examples below:

House of Fraser:


Space NK:

πŸ“¨ How to set up advanced email confirmations

To set up advanced email confirmations:

  1. Click on the Email & SMS tab and select Manage email confirmations

  2. Select edit text on the email you would like to customise

  3. Toggle advanced emails on

  4. If you wish to create your email in another language please select add another language for this email content. A dialog will display containing available languages which can be selected.

  5. You can now enter your custom content into the code editor, using Liquid syntax. Variables can be included in the content (for example the customers first name), by either selecting the variable from the Insert variable dropdown on the top right, or by keying them into the editor directly.

  6. If you're happy with the content, you can publish it by selecting save and publish.

Please note that there is no option to save an email template as a draft. Once you hit publish it will start sending to customers.

πŸ“± How to set up advanced SMS confirmations

In order to use the SMS functionality, you will need to integrate with one of the SMS providers. Click here to learn more.

To set up advanced SMS confirmations:

  1. Click on the Email & SMS tab and select Manage SMS confirmations

  2. Select edit text on the message you would like to customise

  3. Toggle advanced SMS on

  4. If you wish to create your SMS in another language please select add another language for this SMS content. A dialog will display containing available languages which can be selected.

  5. You can now enter your custom content into the code editor, using Plain text. Variables can be included in the content (for example the customers first name), by either selecting the variable from the Insert variable dropdown on the top right, or by keying them into the editor directly. Please note that custom HTML used in your email confirmations will not function via SMS.

  6. If you're happy with the content, you can publish it by selecting save and publish.

Please note that there is no option to save an SMS template as a draft. Once you hit publish it will start sending to customers.

🧐 How does Appointedd know which language to send?

A customer's language is detected when they select their preferred language from a drop down list on your booking tools. If a customer has selected a language which you haven't set up a template for, the default template will send. You can select a language to be the default at the bottom of the code editor.

πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ What if I have multiple resources on my service?

You can include multiple resources within your advanced emails using an IF statement. This could come in handy for a recruitment use case. Here's an example of what this could look like:

<p>Hi {{customer_firstname}}!</p>

<p>Thank you for booking:<br>
{{service_name}} | {{booking_start_time | date:"dd LLLL y| t"}} {{booking_timezone_abbreviation}}</p>

<p>Your interview will be held with: {% if resource_names.size > 1 %}
{% for resourceName in resource_names %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
Resource: {{resource_name}}<br />
{% endif %}</p>

<p>{% if video_conference_link %}<p>At the time of your interview, {{video_conference_link | link:"click here to join the ", video_conference_type_name}}.</p>
{% endif %}</p>

<p><strong>Need help joining Zoom?</strong> Please learn more <a href="">here</a> as you can dial in if preferred.</p>

<p>We look forward to speaking with you!</p>

<p><i>If you wish to reschedule this booking, please click <a href="{{booking_reschedule_url}}">here</a></i>.</p>

<p><i>If you wish to cancel your booking, please click <a href="{{booking_cancellation_url}}">here</a></i>.</p>

🏰 What if I want to send different confirmation emails depending on the service booked?

In order to send different email confirmations based on the service booked, you will need to include one or multiple IF statements to your HTML code.

For example, if you would like to send one email when service A is booked, but another email when services B or C are booked then the below code could help:

<p>Hi {{customer_firstname}},</p>
<p>Thank you for booking: <br>
{{service_name}} | {{booking_start_time | date: "DDD, t"}} {{booking_timezone_abbreviation}}</p>

{% if service_name == "A"%}
<p> Insert your template for service A email.</p>

{% else %}

{% if service_name == "B" or "C"%}
<p> Insert your template for services B or C emails.</p>

{% endif %}
{% endif %}

<p>Best wishes</p>
<p>Business name</p>

{% if booking_cancellation_url_enabled %}
<p> If you need to cancel your appointment, please {{ booking_cancellation_url | link:"click here" }} </p>
{% endif %}

{% if booking_reschedule_enabled %}
<p> If you need to reschedule your appointment, please {{ booking_reschedule_url | link:"click here" }} </p>
{% endif %}

<p> All times referenced in this email are in {{customer_booking_timezone_full}} timezone.</p>

πŸ‘€ Interested in sending advanced reminders and follow-ups?

If you like what you see, this functionality is also available for reminders and follow-ups! Check it out here.

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