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How to create a multi-tiered service

Learn how to charge various prices for a service depending on the options a customer selects

Krissa avatar
Written by Krissa
Updated over 8 months ago

🧐 What is a multi-tiered service?

Multi-tiered services is a feature that allows you to offer your customers different options when booking into the same service.

This works perfectly for group bookings where you offer add-ons, upgrades, and varying prices, where all customers join the same booking.

For example, with this functionality, you can manage a tour with:

  1. Multiple tiers e.g. a standard tour or an upgraded tour

  2. Different price points per tier e.g. a concession price, a members price, a family price etc.

βš™οΈ How to create a multi-tiered service

  1. Hover over the Setup tab and select Manage services;

  2. Click on the Add service button and fill out the Basic details of the service such as service name, category, description, and location;

  3. Under Type of service, select Multi-tier, then adjust occupancy, and decide if you would like online group booking to be open or closed (see more on group bookings in this guide);

  4. If you want to allow customers to book as a pre-defined group, you can do so by selecting Group and inputing the number of people in a pre-defined group;

  5. Add tiers as appropriate, for example, gold tour, early bird, VIP and then add a description if you wish to help your customers understand what they are choosing;

  6. Select a Price type; either Single price or Multiple price points;

Single price allows you charge the same price to any customer who books that tier. For example if you run a tours company, you may only wish to offer one price to all customers for a VIP tour.

Multiple price allows you to charge different prices to different customers within a tier. For example, for the VIP tour, you might want to set a different price for adults, concessions and children.

Once you've selected whether you wanted to create a single or multiple price point, or single or group occupancy, simply enter the name and price, and repeat for any number of price points.

7. Once you've added your price points, complete the rest of the service details (Availability and Online booking settings) and don't forget to save the service.

You can also offer a discount by changing the price of the tier in the service settings. This can be useful if you wish to offer early bird discount tickets for those who book before a selected time.

Please note: Customers that have booked before you have made the change will pay the original price with all future bookings being charged the new price.

If you'd like to learn how to manage a multi-tiered bookings, click here.

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