Create a multi-part service

Multi-part services are services made up of more than one part, each with its own duration.

Jubrine Fortuno avatar
Written by Jubrine Fortuno
Updated over a week ago

What is a multi-part service

A service is what you provide to your customers and allow them to book. A multi-part service is one which can contain multiple sub-services within. The contrary to this is a standard service which you can learn more about here.

For example, this can allow your customers to book a cut and color appointment which combines the color application, the development time, and the subsequent wash and style.

How to add a multi-part service

  • Hover over the Setup tab and select Services

  • Click Add service

The service builder is very similar to the one used to create a standard service, however you can add individual parts to the booking.

Fill in the below:

  1. Basic details

  • Give the service a name that your customers will be able to understand and identify when they are making a booking

  • Select a category to place the service into, or click New category if the service does not fit into any of the existing ones (Learn more about service categories)

  • Give the service a description. This will only appear on your business Booking Page(s), not your booking widgets

  • Include the location where your service will take place. The location will show in the calendar event of your confirmation emails, not in the content. Learn more about calendar events.

2. Type of service

  • Under service type, select Multi-part. Learn more about types of services here

  • Set the maximum number of customers that can attend this service at one time

  • Select whether multiple parties can join group bookings or not

  • Set a limit for maximum number of spaces a customer can book online

  • Under Service parts

    • For parts of the service where you are required for that customer, you should add a service part so that period of time is unavailable to be booked by another customer

    • Name the blocked service part with what is required for that part of the service e.g Colour Application

    • Set the duration of this part of the service

    • Click Create part to save

    • For parts of the service where you can complete another task, you should add a Gap so that you are available to be booked for other services

    • Click add another service part and repeat for as many part as required

    • You can shuffle the service parts into the correct order by utilising the arrows

    • Once all done, you'll see something like this:

  • Set the price for the service as a whole taking into account all parts of the multi-part service

  • To offer virtual services you need to connect Appointedd to a video conferencing system. We have a direct integration with Zoom, but you can still connect with other major video conferencing platforms too. Learn more about virtual services

3. Availability

  • Select the resource(s) that provide this service (Learn more about resources and resource allocation)

  • To ensure you have the available equipment or area for the service to take place, you may want to add assets. By doing so, the option assets will appear in your services. You can choose the asset that should be assigned to the service in order to prevent getting double booked. Learn more about assets here

  • Set buffer times before and after the service. Learn more about buffers

4. Online booking settings

  • Choose the permissions of the service which allows you to control how your customers book this service (Learn more about service permissions)

  • To take payments online you need to connect Appointedd to one of our payment providers. By doing so, an option called payments will appear in your services. You can choose to take full payment or a deposit and make the payment optional (if you wish). Learn more about how to take payments online

Don't forget to hit Save service.

Keywords: multi-part, multipart, multi part

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